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What can raccoons jump over? Fences?

Have you ever wondered how a Newark raccoon finds its way at the roof tops? Naturally, raccoons are good climbers and this technique gives them an edge over other preying animals. A raccoon can climb over a fence and gain access to your lawns. They can also climb and jump over poultry pens and get to the flocksthat are enclosed in a mesh. Similarly, the critters can climb trees and use the overhanging limbs to access the house. It is therefore important to deal with your trees and fences if you wish to have a raccoon-free yard.

Why would they want to come to your house?
Raccoons have a chockfull of reasons to get inside your home. Some of the reasons include:
- Find food and water
- Seek shelter
- To be secure
- Avoid harsh climatic conditions
- To raise the young pups
Sharing space with these animals is unbearable, they do more harm than good. Raccoons are notorious yet adorable creatures that most homeowners cringe at their sight. The detection of a New Jersey raccoon in your compound can’t be shrugged off.

What attracts them?
Many homes can provide all the essential needs of a raccoon, but, why should they choose your home? Having a number of attractants in your yard will definitely invite them. If you have fruits and berries falling off a tree, you need to clean them out otherwise the raccoons will pay a nightly visit to do more harm. Clean your compound and keep the garbage in tightly sealed trash cans so that they can’t be dismantled by the Newark coons. Clean your barbeque thoroughly after use and keep pet food indoors.

Why do they find your home hospitable?
Raccoons will only stay at a place if there is a bountiful supply of food day-in-day-out. In case you have a poultry house and you find dead birds daily, it is highly likely that a raccoon has established its dwelling place in your home. Their persistent stay will only be attributed by food supply. You need to change your waste disposal techniques as the animals may be surviving on compost pile. It is also possiblethat they find no spirited fight against them from you. When you persistently deter them, they will leave.

How to deter raccoons?
There are numerous ways to keep coons at bay. Coons wreak more havoc during nighttime when they are active. Installation of motion sensor sprinklers, motion detector lightings, noise making radios, and natural repellants are good at hampering their destruction habits. Using electrical and hot wires can stop them from climbing fences and trees. Coons can also be trapped in a number of ways, if you are not familiar with a certain method, call a Newark professional. They will also help to euthanize the creature.

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What can raccoons jump over? Fences?